Big Brother Mzansi TV Show

Latest on Big Brother Mzansi

Big Brother Mzansi a Reality TV Show of South Africa

When I got the welcome to remain over at the Big Brother Mzansi house I didn't reconsider, I hit answer 'yes' the minute the email flew into my inbox.

The nearer it got to the day I was to go into the house I truly began agonizing over how I would adapt without my telephone.

No Channel24. No Twitter. No Instagram. *gulp*

It was all silly buffoonery when I got together with alternate pressmates before we went into the house.

As we were transported to the house we clowned around about the kind of personas we would embrace.

Things got genuine when we got to the generation office. Our photos were taken; we marked a disclaimer and put every one of our effects into a plastic sack named with our names.

Telephones, tablets, books, pens, papers, watches and even shades needed to go.

We wildly conveyed our last instant message, whatsapp, tweet, instagram and made that one final telephone call. No doubt, I called my mother.

Being cut off from this present reality is each journo's most exceedingly awful bad dream.

And after that the questioning began. *cue emotional music*

Sandy, one of the makers laid it on thick and when she was done a few peeps were truly rethinking going in.

We would get the full Big Brother encounter, every one of the cameras would be on recording, even in the shower. Of course some challenge ejected around the table.